Oars of Thunder are Kim, Sally, Nat and Harry, four rowers from Looe, Cornwall. Together they are taking on the challenge of rowing 3000 miles across the Atlantic Ocean from the Canary Islands to Antigua. When they first got in touch with the bean team to tell us about this epic ocean adventure we knew we had to feature them on “Fuelled by Beans”
So let’s start at the very beginning… When did you start rowing and who or what got you into it?
We all started gig rowing at different times. Nat and Harry have rowed since they were 12 and Sally and Kim were late starters having rowed with Harry and Nat at Looe gig rowing club over the last 5 years.
The love of the sea attracted as all to rowing along with the competitive and social aspects of club gig rowing.
You are taking on “The Worlds Toughest Row” this December. What inspired you to take on such an epic challenge?
It has been in our mind set one way or another. Some of us longer than others and all of us inspired by adventures of other Atlantic adventurers. Kim pulled us all together to make this happen!
Tell us a little bit about the route. (How long you expect the row to take, what you are looking forward to and what you think might be your biggest challenges)
We think 39 to 45 days but will depend on conditions and how we hold out! We are all looking forward to seeing wildlife, amazing skies, stars, sunsets and sunrises. The biggest challenges will be fatigue, food, weather and sea sickness.

Oars of Thunder have chosen to raise money for the RNLI. Can you tell us a bit about why you chose this charity and its importance to the team.
We all live by and regularly use the sea so it felt a very natural choice. We all know people that have benefited from the RNLI service.
Nat is also inshore RNLI crew for the D and A class and has volunteered for the last 12 years.
It’s a requirement of the race that you must have enough food on board to last for 55 days. That’s a lot! What sort of things will you be eating during the row to keep you fuelled?
It is a lot! We will be consuming between 3,600 to nearly 6,000 calories a day depending on size and shape. We have a huge variety of food to eat including fava beans, flapjacks, pork scratchings, peanut M&Ms, chocolate, dolly mixtures, jelly beans, protein balls, fruit leather strips, oat bars, soup, coffee and electrolytes!
Even with a boat full of roasted fava bean snacks to keep you fuelled, there’s no way you can row for 24 hours a day. How do you manage who will be rowing and how long for?
We are going for 2 hour on/off shift pattern with 2 of us rowing at a time. The two hours off gives time to eat, drink, sleep, wash, and carry out boat maintenance!
Which home comforts do you think you will miss the most while you are taking on the World’s Toughest Row?
Bread, cakes and beer!
How does the team plan to celebrate when you reach the finish line?
Beer, burgers and cheese! Big hugs from family and a bit of dancing…

Oars of Thunder need to raise over £100,000 just to get their boat to the start line of the race, so if you've been inspired by their story and would like to sponsor them check out their website. In addition are also raising money for the RNLI so if you would like to help them reach their charity fundraising target head to their go fund me page.