Let's look a little bit closer at fava beans! These cheeky little legumes grown widely across the UK and boast an impressive line up of vitamins and minerals. Whether you’re looking to boost your energy, support your immune system, or keep your bones strong, fava beans offer a wealth of benefits.
Let's look a little closer at what the micro-nutrients of the nutritional powerhouses that are fava beans.
Important for helpoing the body make new cells, including red blood cells, brain cells, skin cells, hair cells, and nail cells. Folates are specially important during pregnancy (which is why folic acid supplements are recommended to pregnant people by the NHS) and for those who are folate deficient.
Helps the body absorb calcium, form bones and connective tissue and facilitates normal blood clotting. Manganese is also important for normal brain and nerve function
Copper assists the body with energy production, blood cell formation, immune system support, nervous system support, connective tissue formation and brain neurotransmitter formation.
Iron helps the body make haemoglobin, a protein in red blood cells that carries oxygen throughout your body.
Potassium is important for heart health and muscle function
Calcium helps build and maintain strong bones and teeth, and assists muscles, nerves, and the heart to function properly.
Magnesium is known for helping with sleep quality. It is also good for normal muscle and nerve function, bone density, maintaining healthy blood pressure and blood sugars.
Zinc is mportant for healthy development in pregnancy, infancy and childhood. Good for cell growth, wound healing and an effective immune system.
(Vitamin B1) Cannot be produced by the body itself. Thiamine helps turn food into energy and keep the nervous system healthy.