“Are your roasted fava bean snacks Gluten free?”
This is a question we get asked a lot when we are talking to customers at markets, shows and food festivals and the answer is, yes!
We do include a “Gluten Free” icon on our packs so they can be easily identified as a gluten free snack but our team our always happy to answer any questions and queries around ingredients and allergens too so feel free to talk to the bean team at shows or send us an email if have a particular question.
What is gluten?
The website celiac.org gives the following definition:
"Gluten is a general name for the proteins found in wheat, rye, barley and triticale – a cross between wheat and rye. Gluten helps foods maintain their shape, acting as a glue that holds food together."
Are Seaweed and Miso Roasted Fava bean snacks gluten free?
Those of you who have read the back of our Seaweed and Miso flavour packs may have noticed the words “Barley & Wheat Derived gluten <5ppm” appear within the ingredients list.
Which poses the question…
How can they be Gluten Free if they contain wheat?
To clarify currently UK and European regulation states that to label gluten free on a products it needs to contain 20 parts per million (20ppm) or less of gluten.
You can find out more details about this regulation on coeliac.org.uk
So if it is below the threshold of gluten contents, why have we listed included Barley and Wheat in the ingredients?
We take the allergen labelling of our products very seriously and after consulting with regulatory bodies and industry experts we decided that for complete transparency and to allow consumers to make an informed decision we would reference the Wheat contents despite it being well below the 20ppm threshold.
The wheat and the barley appear on the ingredients as they are part of the seasoning, that is used on our Seaweed and Miso flavour snacks. The seasoning is certified gluten free by the manufacturer as it is below 5ppm. Once this seasoning is added to the roasted fava beans the gluten contents of the finished product as a whole is well under 1ppm.
So, next time you look at our beans and wonder if they are suitable for you or your gluten free friends to enjoy, then you have all the answers! Remember, if you have any further questions you can get in touch with the bean team through our website.