5 mins on farming with Adam Palmer

5 mins on farming with Adam Palmer

5 mins on farming with Adam Palmer

We managed to grab a quick chat with our co-founder, Adam Palmer, to ask him our burning questions about farming life - from footwear, to our fava beans.

First, though, Adam's top tips for success:

3 top tips for success in farming life:

  1. Suitable footwear is key
  2. Be kind to your neighbours, you might need them
  3. Love what you do, it's a way of life

So, Adam, we have to know - are wellies really the best farming footwear or is it a stereotype?

They really are not! Although definitely required, depending on what you're doing. I do personally love a pair of crocs, but turns out the holes make them not suitable for most jobs.

Are neighbouring farmers competitive rivals or is there a sense of camaraderie?

A bit of both I would say, when the shit hits the fan everyone is there to help, farmers love nothing more than a bit of fire fighting. There is naturally some competitiveness though. Especially when your neighbour gets something new!

You’ve been farming for 20 years now. What are the biggest changes in running a British farm that have taken place in that time?

20 years! I would say that the advent of technology has been the biggest thing that we have seen in the past 20 years, I drove the same type of tractor recently that I leant to drive in my teens and the difference is incredible.

What do you think is the one biggest misconception about farming in the UK?

That farmers make a lot of money! Don’t get me wrong, some do, but for many it's about the way of life and the fact that they believe in what they do, and genuinely care for the environment.

What’s your favourite part of living and working on a farm?

The space, the views and the general peacefulness of it. We're based up on the Yorkshire Wolds, so we're pretty spoiled with the scenery. As well as pigs and sheep, we also grow and press our own rapeseed oil - all our offices are based here too.

What’s your favourite fava bean snack flavour and WHY?

I have always loved our Sea Salt and Cider Vinegar from the moment I first tired it! When I'm actually out of the office and on the farm, they're a great snack to keep me going through the day.